If there is one thing that you need to learn about student loans, you have to face the responsibility of paying them off, whether paying them off individually or merging them into a single loan via a college loan consolidation program. One should know that college loans are immune to any form of bankruptcy and those student borrowers who fail to pay off their loans will have to face harsh consequences such as bad credit ratings, wage garnishments and penalties imposed by the IRS.
Another thing, if you have taken a college degree in a field wherein obtaining professional licenses is a necessity before you can practice your career, this will be now impossible if you fail to settle your student loans.
It is also possible that you will be banned from being given government contracts if you are an owner of a business. Such consequences can be really life-burdening, making it clear that there is not way a student should avoid paying off his college loans. However, things can be a lot better with college loan consolidation; it keeps away all these negative effects of not paying student loan debts and even rewards you with a clean credit ratings.
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